Will Americans Award Donald Trump a Decisive Victory?

The final debate Donald Trump scored well with key undecided voters in important demographic categories. His remarks supporting law and order and protecting suburban residents were believable and likely will explain the surge we may see for Trump among reticent voters who prospered prior to Covid-19 lockdowns. These voters want jobs, not mobs.

On taxes and on regulation cutting, Trump presented a clear contrast with Biden by promising to cut taxes more, and trim the size and cost of government. This will encourage small business owners and their employees to vote for Trump in greater numbers on Nov. 3, 2020 than happened in 2016.

Attacking Biden corruption aggressively at a time when shocking and likely confirming details about massive illegal funding from numerous foreign sources continue to emerge played well with Bernie Sanders supporters, and seems long overdue.

Inside the United States established media companies, investment firms, professional firms and multinational companies do not think clearly enough about embracing the China now in hope of receiving bounty later should the Chinese market reach per capita levels seen in America.

These powerful influence shapers, like the Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush families appear beholden to China. But the mass of America’s voters are not enamored with the China.

Trump is years into a sensible decoupling from China that will bring millions of new jobs home, simplify and lessen the cost of managing large enterprises and eliminate certain national security concerns posed by previous approaches.

Above all Trump came across as a sensible parent, prepared to make tough decisions in the best interests of most Americans and eager to win voter support. In contrast, Biden appeared like an addled grandparent with better things to do than answer fair questions or even campaign.

I believe most models miss that independents favor Trump and form a much higher share of the electorate, particularly in key battleground states. Absent massive fraud. I believe President Trump will win re-election by more Electoral College votes than in 2016, and that his supporters will tip close House and Senate races towards Republicans.

In 2016, candidate Trump had no political record and faced an experienced, active challenger. Like him or not, you must concede he delivered on many campaign promises in face of staunch opposition.

In 2020, Joe Biden has not mounted a meaningful campaign and he certainly has not engendered momentum at all, let alone comparable to arguments in 2016 that Hillary Clinton deserved to be America’s first female President. Surprises can happen, but as of now, prepare for Donald Trump to earn a convincing mandate for his second term.


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